HUMSS conducts storytelling for preschoolers

HUMSS conducts storytelling for preschoolers

In with line with the celebration of Nutrition Month, Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students conducted storytelling sessions for preschoolers, July 26.   Senior High School students of Grades 11 and 12 were the storytellers while reading their own compositions to enthusiastic preschoolers.   In a statement, Mrs. Lalaine L. Mañosca, SHS teacher, said that…

Grooming Kits, MDSF Blog

Grooming Kit

Clean, Neat, and Tidy.   These are the perks of having a grooming kit. Isn’t it nice to see that all students are well-groomed? After all, appearance also makes an impact to character and education. This is the main reason why Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) teachers recommend their students to have their own grooming…

MDSF Preschool Design

MDSF preschool learning environment

Colorful | Interactive | Educational   These are the words that would best describe the classrooms of our Sagradan preschoolers. The designs are not only for aesthetic purposes but also for further nurturing the preschoolers’ emerging literacy skills.   The efficient preschool teachers of MDSF are steadfast in making their classrooms filled with labels, job…