Talk on anti-bullying act elementary II department

Talk on Anti-Bullying Act

  Last July 03, 2017, the guidance counselor of the Elementary Department T. Patricia Musni together with the school’s student well-being officer, Sir Melchor Cruz, held a talk on the anti-bullying act of the Philippines at the school gymnasium. The grades 4-6 students were all gathered and given a brief discussion on the different behaviors…

Sharing of good practices: Parts of the body

Sharing of good practices: Parts of the body

Teacher Aljean intentionally planned the day’s session by giving an interactive learner-centered activity on the concept of “Parts of the Body”. She made use of blank manila papers, markers and other coloring materials. She grouped the class and with her assistance, each group traced the actual body of a specific member. After the body has…

MDSF Parents' Orientation

MDSF welcomes parents with positive changes

  Sagradan Parents embraced positive changes of Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) during the series of Parents’ Orientation in the newly built Social Hall, June 27-30.   Mrs. Maria Cristina S. Silamor, School Directress, introduced all the significant changes in school—from the fascinating social hall, newly unveiled logo, recently crafted vision-mission, freshly refined core values…

MDSF joins in national quake drill

  As a response to the National Earthquake Drill by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC), the Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) ran a surprise earthquake drill, June 29.   The said drill aims to make the Sagradan community ready in case of a real earthquake specifically to avoid accidents, to minimize possible…

MDSF, I'm rain ready

I’m rain ready

  Say goodbye to the traces of an unforgettable summer like tan lines and sunburns and say hello to the sweet life-giving precipitation as the great seasonal wheel turns yet again. Rainy days have arrived. June marks the beginning of the rainy season which means sudden downpour, followed by a thunderstorm, and the all time…