Grade 9 studes help to save environment through spoon crafts

Grade 9 studes help to save environment through spoon crafts

  During the celebration of education week, Grade 9 students made their own plastic spoon craft art as part of the Homemakers Club exhibit. The students’ crafts overflowed with creativity and color, February 4.   Each section from Grade 9 made creative artworks out of plastic spoons. Grade 9 Justice presented their “Le Poission D’Or”,…

Grade 11 HUMSS studes set time for reading thru animated videos

Grade 11 HUMSS studes set time for reading thru animated videos

  Bringing back the good old days of storytelling fables, the Grade 11 students of Humanities and Social Sciences strand (HUMSS) take the challenge of narrating stories using Powtoon-inspired presentations at the Montessori De Sagrada Familia Preschool Department, February 12.   Grade 11 HUMSS students created different animations using the well-known video creator website today…

SHS holds interactive storytelling activities

SHS holds interactive storytelling activities

  HUMSS students of the Montessori De Sagrada Familia conduct series of storytelling sessions for the Grades 1 and 2, February 11.   Grade 11 students of the said strand showcased their creativity and flair in writing by showing their own written compositions to lovely and energetic elementary students.   Instead of presenting the story…

MDSF soars with 143 BULPRISA district awards

MDSF soars with 143 BULPRISA district awards

  Last November 7, 2018, the Sagradan BulPriSa and campus journalism delegates together with coaches, teachers and school administrators gathered for a victory party for winning a total of 143 awards in the BulPrisa Disrtrict Meet 2018. MDSF also emerged as one of the schools with most number of awards in the EDDIS Press Conference 2018.…