To help the students obtain information that is reliable, credible, and relevant to their specific inquiries, the Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) once again subscribed to EBSCO Information Services, an international provider of research databases, e-journals, e-books, magazine subscriptions, and other publications that can be used in research and instruction.
Specifically, the school availed the use of EBSCOhost, one of their services allowing the users to access various reliable and peer-reviewed publications. Moreover, users can also save articles from the databases for future reading, can save citations in different formats, and can customize the interface to extract specific articles (such as limiting and expanding research results).
Juim S. Abanag, one of the research teachers in MDSF, emphasized that the school’s subscription to EBSCOhost is a big help for the Senior High School students in accomplishing their research papers. “The internet provides a wide array of sources of information and sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish between reliable sources and not. Having a database like this would ensure safe researching,” he stated.
In addition, EBSCOhost has Explora which is a research interface designed for both teachers and students. It has relevant and reliable content that can be easily understood by the students in the lower levels.