One Monday morning, our student well-being officer, Sir Christian Valino, presented the virtue of the week- excellence.
Excellence. What is excellence? Is it a goal to reach or an achievement to accomplish? What is the significance behind the goal to be the best? And what if I do not exhibit it? Does it mean I’m a failure? Will I be bound to suffer?
I had a dream. It was September 5, 2018- the big day for aspiring campus journalists. The EDDIS III Press Conference was being held in a public school in Bulacan.
Mixed emotions entered my body and soul where I felt nervous, excited, strange, and other tingly feelings.
One hour was given, and one hour I took, and for all the troubles, days, and sacrifices. I waited, waited till the results were in bound. I prayed saying ”Lord please take care of the results , even though everyone did their best, I hope I can come up top”.
And when the results were announced, I wasn’t called. I failed.
I suddenly felt that the smoldering back pain, droopy and tired eyes are all for nothing just because of it.
They say, “All fate is destined”, but what I have dealt with is something that did not meet my expectations and I felt guilty.
On the road going back to school, I sobbed not too much, just a little, waiting to burst in tears at home, while others who were happy and made it to the top ten.
My mind is a tsunami of thoughts, just why? What did I do to deserve this? Why did it have to happen?
Carelessness, ignorance, these are burdens I did not carry but have come along. “Off your guard one second, you get killed”, my uncle said.
I was the only one who wasn’t called. I, who had not slept for days and nights. Not answering my phone and crying every time I imagined that memory. I felt so depressed and dreadful.
One day my mom asked me for a date.
We were supposed to be there but I wasn’t surprised if any of my other relatives went there too. They tried to say “surprise!” But it didn’t work, I stood there, still feeling gloomy.
We went to eat at a certain restaurant. While eating, mom said, “True success doesn’t always come from medals, certificates or trophies. The recipe of excellence consists of a lot of efforts, some sacrifices, a little trouble, and a pinch of luck. That’s the true meaning of winning.”
Suddenly, my dream stopped, I opened my eyes, got off the bed and remembered the virtue of the week, Excellence. There is no overnight success, but when you keep your faith and work hard for it, everything is possible.
This journey of mine taught me that even though the truth is sometimes harsh and unacceptable, if you keep pursuing your wildest dreams, you sure will reach the end of the tunnel.
I believe God has a plan, that even if you tried your best and didn’t make it, it’s just another challenge for you to make yourself even stronger.
By: Isaiah Andrew Urrea
#SoarhighSagradans #SagradanExcellence